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Inklusi Partnership Forum 2023

INKLUSI Partnership Forum 2023 is an event aimed at providing opportunities for various stakeholders to learn, develop capacities, collaborate, and showcase innovations and achievements resulting from the Multi-Stakeholder Partnership approach in addressing complex development challenges.

In this forum, Derzia provides professional support for the overall preparation and continuity of the event, facilitating rights holders and marginal champions to share their life experiences, both with the government and other stakeholders. This includes highlighting their active roles in addressing various complex development issues through Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships.

Around 500 participants attended this event, including representatives from the Indonesian government (national, provincial, and local levels), INKLUSI Partners, local partners, local champions, and rights holders from marginal groups/communities. Participants also included representatives from the Australian government, other DFAT programs, other Civil Society Organizations, donors, and other multilateral entities, as well as private sector representatives (both existing and potential partners) and the INKLUSI Secretariat.